Bir Bikram Memorial College, Agartala

Particulars of College Profile for the Year 2018-19.

Sr. No. Item Particulars
1. Name of College Bir Bikram Memorial College
2. Postal Address with Pine code P.O. Collegetila, Agartala, Tripura(West)
3. Type of Area Urban Area
4. Year of Starting 1969 Renamed in 2002
5. Educational Status Degree
6. Subject taught -
(a) Name of Pass course subject English, Bengali, Pol.Science, Eudcation, History,
Sanskrit, Philosophy, Hindi, Economics, Mathematics,
Statistics, Physics, Chemistry, Kok-Borok and Commerce.
(b) Name of Hons. subject English, Bengali,Pol.Science, Education, History,
Sanskrit, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics.
7. Building -
(a) Total No. of Building 3 Nos.
(b) Total No. of Rooms 42 Nos.
(c) Total No. of classrooms 28 Nos.
(d) Total No. office Rooms 10 Nos.
(e) Others Rooms, if any 10 Nos.
8. Major Achievement NAAC Accredited

Enrollment in 1st Years Students for the academic session 2018-19.

Stream Total No. of students S.C. Students S.T. Students Minority Students
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
B.A. 567 479 1046 109 83 192 146 98 244 23 14 37
B.Sc(P) 99 12 111 15 02 17 03 00 03 03 00 03
B.Sc(B) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
B.Com 86 15 101 14 03 17 16 04 20 03 00 03
Total 752 506 1258 138 88 226 165 102 267 29 14 43

Total Enrollment of Students for the academic session 2018-19.

Stream Total No. of students S.C. Students S.T. Students Minority Students
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
B.A. 2094 1350 3444 382 251 633 583 258 841 68 39 107
B.Sc(P) 237 50 287 41 09 50 10 03 13 09 02 11
B.Sc(B) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
B.Com 290 61 351 58 09 67 58 15 73 18 02 20
Total 2621 1461 4082 481 269 750 651 276 927 95 43 138

Total Enrollment of Students in semester wise for the academic session 2018-19.

Stream 1st Semester 3rd Semester 5th Semester Total
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
B.A. 567 479 1046 824 501 1325 703 370 1073 2094 1350 3444
B.Sc(P) 99 12 111 69 19 88 69 19 88 237 50 287
B.Sc(B) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
B.Com 86 15 101 107 23 130 97 23 120 290 61 351
Total 752 506 1258 1000 543 1543 869 412 1281 2621 1461 4082

Statement of showing the Teaching staff for the year 2018-19.

Item Total No. of Teachers S.C. Teachers S.T. Teachers Minority Teachers
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Regular 24 12 36 07 02 09 01 01 02 00 00 00
PGT 09 12 21 02 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
Visiting/ Guest 10 08 18 02 02 04 03 01 04 00 00 00
Total 43 32 75 11 04 15 04 02 06 00 00 00

Examination Result Statistics for the year 2017-18.

Name of Stream/Course No. of Appeared Nos. of Passed Percentage
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
B.A.(Pass Course) 445 215 660 402 100 502 90.33 46.51 76.06
B.A.(Hons. Course) 168 104 272 159 101 260 94.64 97.11 95.58
B.Sc, Pure(Pass Course) 12 01 13 11 01 12 91.66 100.00 92.30
B.Sc.Pure(Hons. course) 33 05 38 28 04 32 84.84 80.00 84.21
B.Sc,Bio(Pass Course) - - - - - - - - -
B.Sc,Bio(Hons course) - - - - - - - - -
B.Com.(Pass course) 149 09 158 133 05 138 89.26 55.55 87.34
B.Com.(Hons course) 14 02 16 11 02 13 78.57 100.00 81.25
Total 821 336 1157 744 213 957 90.62 63.39 82.71
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