Ramthakur College, Agartala

Particulars of College Profile for the Year 2018-19.

Sr. No. Item Particulars
1. Name of College Ramthakur College
2. Postal Address with Pine code P.O. A.D.Nagar, Agartala
3. Type of Area Urban Area
4. Year of Starting 17-07-1967
5. Educational Status Degree
6. Subject taught -
(a) Name of Pass course subject English, Bengali, Pol.Science, History, Education, Philosophy, Economics, Sanskrit, Pali, Hindi, Music, Physical, Education, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Physiology and Commerce.
(b) Name of Hons. subject English, Bengali, Pol.Science, History, Education, Philosophy, Economics, Sanskrit, Hindi, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science
7. Building -
(a) Total No. of Building 8 Nos.
(b) Total No. of Rooms 42 Nos.
(c) Total No. of classrooms 37 Nos.
(d) Total No. of Office Rooms 5 Nos.
(e) Others Rooms, if any -
8. Major Achievement : Sports and Academic

Enrollment in 1st Years Students for the academic session 2018-19.

Stream Total No. of students S.C. Students S.T. Students Minority Students
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
B.A. 647 601 1248 170 190 360 50 46 96 65 57 122
B.Sc(P) 76 46 122 18 10 28 01 00 01 07 03 10
B.Sc(B) 78 39 117 09 03 12 02 02 04 06 03 09
B.Com 167 33 200 39 06 45 10 02 12 07 04 11
Total 968 719 1687 236 209 445 63 50 113 85 67 152

Total Enrollment of Students for the academic session 2018-19.

Stream Total No. of students S.C. Students S.T. Students Minority Students
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
B.A. 1589 1596 3185 493 434 927 148 133 281 231 154 385
B.Sc(P) 192 83 275 60 17 77 07 04 11 18 05 23
B.Sc(B) 176 93 269 20 09 29 06 04 10 15 05 20
B.Com 315 57 372 72 11 83 17 03 20 15 06 21
Total 2272 1829 4101 645 471 1116 178 144 322 279 170 449

Total Enrollment of Students in semester wise for the academic session 2018-18

Stream 1st Semester 3rd Semester 5th Semester Total
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
B.A. 647 601 1248 556 528 1084 386 467 853 1589 1596 3185
B.Sc(P) 76 46 122 80 20 100 36 17 53 192 83 275
B.Sc(B) 78 39 117 57 27 84 41 27 68 176 93 269
B.Com 167 33 200 86 15 101 62 09 71 315 57 372
Total 968 719 1687 779 590 1369 525 520 1045 2272 1829 4101

Statement of showing the Teaching staff for the year 2018-19.

Item Total No. of Teachers S.C. Teachers S.T. Teachers Minority Teachers
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Regular 19 19 38 04 04 08 00 03 03 01 00 01
PGT 04 21 25 00 05 05 00 00 00 00 00 00
Visiting/ Guest 12 07 19 01 02 03 03 01 04 00 00 00
Total 35 47 82 05 11 16 03 01 04 01 00 01

Examination Result Statistics for the year 2017-18.

Name of Stream/Course No. of Appeared Nos. of Passed Percentage
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
B.A.(Pass Course) 310 203 513 307 200 507 99.03 98.52 98.83
B.A.(Hons. Course) 108 96 204 108 95 203 100.00 98.95 99.50
B.Sc, Pure(Pass Course) 11 09 20 11 09 20 100.00 100.00 100.00
B.Sc.Pure(Hons. course) 27 18 45 25 18 43 92.59 100.00 95.55
B.Sc,Bio(Pass Course) 08 14 22 07 13 20 87.50 92.85 90.90
B.Sc,Bio(Hons course) 07 12 19 06 12 18 85.71 100.00 94.73
B.Com.(Pass course) 69 34 103 68 34 102 98.55 100.00 99.02
B.Com.(Hons course) 12 07 19 11 07 18 91.66 100.00 94.73
Total 552 393 945 543 388 931 98.36 98.72 98.51
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